Jewelry Nail - Company Profile



My name is Mr. Takahata. I am the owner of Fruto Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of Jewelry-Nail® products.

I established Fruto Co., Ltd. in 2000, and have since grown the company to include a customer service, graphic design and web design team, as well as a SEO team, production team and factory. All of our Jewelry-Nail® products are “Made in Japan” and are very safe. We manufacture every piece of Jewelry-Nail® products with the utmost attention to detail and uncompromising quality control.
Modern nail-art has been developed in Japan over the years, and as such has made our nail jewelry both the standard and the leader in the global nail fashion market. One of our greatest honors includes continuously getting requests, for developing specific designs of Jewelry-Nail®, from countless nail artists and nail techs. For this reason, we create and provide the best nail items to meet various needs and designs.

At the beginning, we had a few dealers in the domestic market, however, the number of dealers have since increased to more than 20 in the Japanese market alone. In addition, in the past few years, we have continued to grow and have established successful partnerships in exporting to the Asian market, particularly to Korea and China.

One of our company’s highlight strengths have been in developing a series of hot buy items such as the Little Pretty Series, Pearl Series, Bullion Series and Stud Series. Currently, we sell those items in more than 50,000 packs / units within a two day trade show. In addition, we develop and release new models not only every year but also every month. Because of this fact, we can assure our clients that the new and latest models we offer are hot in the market.
I’ve found that there has been an attempt to copy our products, more-so from Asian countries to Japan in the past years; however, I’ve seen less copies recently. Some of my customers have expressed that the vast difference in the quality and authenticity of our products, have been a major factor in why copied products continue to fail in the industry.
Through it all, my promise is that Jewelry-Nail® will continue to release the most in-demand quality nail products, at the right time, and for the right price.

Thank you.

Minoru Takahata / Fruto Co., Ltd.

高畑社長 のメッセージ

2000年にフルートを設立しました。最初は1人で始め、今ではカスタマーサービス・グラフィックデザイナー・ウェブデザイナー・SEO・製造・工場等々のチームを持っています。 ジュエリーネイルは細心の注意・気配りして作製している安全安心な日本製です

ネイルアートは日本で発明されたビジネスですからそんな日本で開発されたネイルパーツは世界で最先端ファッションを意味しています。 ネイリストから今必要なパーツが何かを教えていただくチャンスがたくさんありたくさんのテーマから最良の商品を作りだしています。


当社のハイライトはリトルプティーシリーズ・パールシリーズ・ブリオンシリーズ・スタッズシリーズの開発でした。 今や展示会2日間だけでも5万パックを販売するほどの人気商品に成長しています。 毎年、いえ毎月新商品を発表しそしてその商品達は売れ続けています。

