Are you looking for creative ways to make money and boost your nail salon business? Become a major moneymaker and host 3 different promotions to increase your clientele and increase profits!
Best Promotions for Boosting Sales
Frequent “nail-ista” program. Give clients a small card with 10-15 sections. Each time a client comes in for a manicure, pedicure or acrylic filling, hole punch one of the sections. When they reach their 10th or 15th hole punch, they get a free manicure or acrylic filling. The etiquette is that they should still tip you so you will still make money. Decide how many times is adequate enough for them to receive a service before they get a free one. This is a great way to get clients and keep them! Everyone loves the word free! Coffee shops do this. Buy so many cups of coffee, get a free one. Or you could swing it and say get so many manis, pedis or acrylic nails and get a free polish. Remind clients about using their frequent shopper card!
Referral giveaways. For each 2-3 people your client refers or brings in, give them something special. A free polish change, free bottle of polish or hand or foot cream. Then, remind your new clients of this deal and get ready for a line of new people at your nail salon! You are a true moneymaker.
Cute nail art. Give clients a little taste of your nail art talents. When your clients get a specialty manicure or pedicure, give one finger or one toenail some cute nail art. This will give them the ability to see your talents and trust us, they will pay for more nail art in the future!
Mention these promotions in your newsletter, blog, website or put up signs in your salon. Be more than just a nail salon, be a smart business that upstages all its competitors! Get creative in the ways you boost your business. The possibilities are endless!
Have you done any promotions at your nail salon that worked?