What is a Resume?
A resume is a written summary of your work and academic experiences as well as your qualifications for the job. Don’t just apply to one salon job. Apply to many and always remember to send a cover letter with your resume. Studies show that those who also send a cover letter have a higher chance of getting an interview or at least a call back than those who don’t send a cover letter.
Information You Need for Your Resume
Personal information: At the top of your resume, you should include your name with your middle initial, such as John M. Smith. Also include your address, email and your phone number.
Objective: Knowing how to write an objective for a resume is a great skill, some people have trouble with it. It should be one sentence that briefly states your career goals. This should reflect your passion for the nail industry.
Work experience: In chronological order, recap your past jobs. Include your title, the company name, location and month and year you started and ended. If you currently still hold a position, just write “present.” For example: April 2013-Present. In bullets, highlight your duties and experience you gained.
Education: List your academic background; where you went to school and what year you graduated. Also include any extra industry classes you took such as manufacturer classes or shows. Also include any school clubs your potential employer would find impressive.
References: References are very important. Sometimes people will put at the bottom of their resume, “References available upon request” but if you give them that information without them having to ask, it’s less work for them. They like that! List a few references that could attest to your work ethic. Don’t include parents or friends! Your reference list should be separate from your resume.
Do not hand write your resume! Type it out and print it. Bring multiple copies to every job interview because you never know how many people you will meet with. Double, triple check your resume, cover letter and reference list before you email it, mail it or bring it to your interview. If you do get an interview, 24 hours later, you should follow up by sending the employer a thank you note for meeting with you.
Need more help with your manicurist and pedicurist resume? Here’s a sample resume; follow the layout. Good luck!
Objective: Knowing how to write an objective for a resume is a great skill, some people have trouble with it. It should be one sentence that briefly states your career goals. This should reflect your passion for the nail industry.
Work experience: In chronological order, recap your past jobs. Include your title, the company name, location and month and year you started and ended. If you currently still hold a position, just write “present.” For example: April 2013-Present. In bullets, highlight your duties and experience you gained.
Education: List your academic background; where you went to school and what year you graduated. Also include any extra industry classes you took such as manufacturer classes or shows. Also include any school clubs your potential employer would find impressive.
References: References are very important. Sometimes people will put at the bottom of their resume, “References available upon request” but if you give them that information without them having to ask, it’s less work for them. They like that! List a few references that could attest to your work ethic. Don’t include parents or friends! Your reference list should be separate from your resume.
Do not hand write your resume! Type it out and print it. Bring multiple copies to every job interview because you never know how many people you will meet with. Double, triple check your resume, cover letter and reference list before you email it, mail it or bring it to your interview. If you do get an interview, 24 hours later, you should follow up by sending the employer a thank you note for meeting with you.
Need more help with your manicurist and pedicurist resume? Here’s a sample resume; follow the layout. Good luck!