• Amazingly, for less than fifty cents you can use this finger rest to save yourself a lot of time and frustration from clients who can't sit still during their nail service. It's a smart investment!
• Excellent tool to prevent clients from moving their finger during nail service.
• Allows you to do one finger at a time thus eliminates the possibility of smudges.
• Elevated height allows you to easily apply nail art or use nail art stencils.
• Fabulous and economical investment for ensuring a flawless manicure finish!
• Note: Color may vary.
• Amazingly, for less than fifty cents you can use this finger rest to save yourself a lot of time and frustration from clients who can't sit still during their nail service. It's a smart investment!
• Excellent tool to prevent clients from moving their finger during nail service.
• Allows you to do one finger at a time thus eliminates the possibility of smudges.
• Elevated height allows you to easily apply nail art or use nail art stencils.
• Fabulous and economical investment for ensuring a flawless manicure finish!
• Note: Color may vary.